
blogging is hard

i took so long to decide what to write about for my First Blog Post, i think my domain was removed for inactivity. (i can't even pretend to be indignant... i did leave "Hello World!" unchanged for about three weeks.) in the end, i thought, "what better way to start my blog than to talk about starting my blog?" it's very meta, i know.

starting something new is really difficult, especially publicly. i'm the type of person that won't do something unless i'm sure it will be perfect the first time. i hate to be bad, or even mediocre, at things, so i give up before i begin. it feels less shameful to say "i've never tried" than to say "i tried, and i suck", and the beautiful but untouched sketchbooks i hoard in a box in my closet are exhibits A through Z of this bad habit.

it's something i'm actively working to unlearn, though. there's nothing wrong with being bad at something, especially if it's something you enjoy doing. on the contrary, you can't get good at something without first being bad at it-- i bet even michelangelo started by drawing stick figures.

so, here i am, making my first little doodle in this blog. i imagine my future posts will be slightly personal, potentially informative, and hopefully entertaining. if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, i'll see you next time!